General Service
- Specialized attorneys
- Juridical Consultancy
- Elaboration, review and opinion of legal instruments
- Legal audit
- Recovery of Portfolio
- Research for Credit Approval
- Preventive Opinion
- Immigration Formalities
- Advising to Independent Counselors
- National Coverage in Mexico
- Legal Training on any matter
- Location and People and Business Research
- Localización e Investigación de Personas y Empresas
- Proceedings before the Public Registry of Property throughout the Republic
- Proceedings before the Civil Registry throughout the Republic
Labour Law

Our labor department composed by labor experts, put all their knowledge to confront any problem of labor nature that you can be present either from the perspective of the employee or employer. Our services between others are:
- Unfair dismissals
- Claims for payment
- Calculations of settlements
- Calculation of compensation
- Suspension, rescission and termination of employment contracts and relationships
- Preparation of certificate because of lack of work
- Economic studies for dismissal
- Conciliation, mediation and arbitration
- Litigation and claim preparation
- Accidents at work
- Juridical advising for the elaboration of employment contracts
- Training for the labor crisis management
Criminal Law

We have a highly qualified team of lawyers specializing in criminal law and prison, before any court. Some of our services are:
- Blood alcohol offense against traffic safety
- Robbery
- Visits
- Moving prisoners
- False allegations
- Preliminary investigation, criminal process
- Release on bail
- Bail to ensure the repair of damage
- Crimes of injuries
- Domestic Violence
Commercial Law

For peace of mind we are specialized in the management and organization of all the legal requirements that demands the operation of societies, already be of mercantile, fiscal or labor origin, so you run your business and we take care of this, we have advice commercial matters, our firm has the expertise mercantilist which can give you advice on the corporate structure that is best for your business, you also will manage the maintenance of their society and their possible modifications, all at the best price and in the shortest time possible. The professionalism, speed and efficiency is our commitment to provide "Intelligent Legal Solutions." We as services including:
- Corporate Charter of Public Limited Company.
- Constitution of any cooperative association.
- Advicing to shareholders' meetings.
- Changing laws, dissolutions and liquidations.
- Issuance, registration and transfer of shares.
- Preparation and execution of minutes of the assembly meeting, councils and committees.
- Trust, agency attorney and contract.
- Dissolutions, mergers, restructurings and society accessions.
- Collection Management of business.
- Preparation, review and opinion of legal instruments.
- Legal Audit, Portfolio Recovery, Research for authorization of appropriations.
- Preventive ruling.
- Powers conferred.
- Trademarks, patents and copyrights.
Administrative Law

Our firm will guide you through their relationships with government making clear all the doubts can always recommending the most effective way to react to them, because the contact with the daily management is often complicated, our firm gets at your service to defend their rights on equal terms. Our services are:
- Complaints to public transport.
- Municipal Housing Company.
- Eviction of property or land society.
- Complaints to public hospitals.
- Claims for noise pollution.
- Clims registered with the Secretaría de Hacienda (Tax Ministry) for tax errors tax among others.
- JJudgment of invalidity in the Federal Court of Fiscal and Administrative Justice.
- Judgment of invalidity before the Administrative Court in the City and any federal entity in the country.
- Grievance procedures against a decision of local or federal authorities.
- Any proceedings for inconformarse against decisions of the SHCP, IMSS, ISSSTE, PROFEPA, PROFECO SEDESOL, BE, SEMARNAP, FEDERAL DISTRICT GOVERNMENT, CONDUSEF, ETC.
Civil Law

We advise on all matters relating to private law which is present in all relationships and business conducted between individuals. Thus, it immediately so orient all doubts that might arise in their daily lives, either through personal consultations or written legal opinions, defending their interests at court if necessary. Services in this area among others are:
- Separation and Divorce.
- Custody of children.
- Parental Rights.
- Recognition of children.
- Alimony.
- Conjugal Settlement by Marriage and Child Custody.
- Probe and intestate, donation.
- Wills.
- Leases and Evictions.
- Amount Delinquent Claims.
- Damages.
- Breach of contract.
- Property and defense of usufruct.
- Ownership use of contracts between individuals.
- User and consumer rights.
Enviromental Law

Audits of companies on compliance to environmental regulation (preventive and corrective aspects).
- Enviromental Impact and Risk.
- Activities classified as Hazardous.
- Remediation Plans.
- Comunicatiom and Risk Assessment.
- Hazardous Waste.
- Opening, operation, inspection and monitoring of business.
- Environmental aspects of real estate sales transactions and industrial sites.
- Defense actions and administrative procedures under federal jurisdiction, state and municipa.
International Law

Every day we talk and live with a foreigner or an overseas compatriot therefore the need to understand and apply these standards Foreign.
- Advisory services to foreign.
- Expulsion of foreigners.
- Immigrant.
- Illegal detention of child.
- Child Removal.
- Human trafficking.
- International adoption.
Tax Law

Our attorneys tax experts, provide the following services in Fiscal Legal advice - tax carried out by the tax authorities.
- Review of staff or accounting
- Home Visit
- Audits
Stay of Execution Administrative Procedure

Our attorneys provide advice and tax experts aimed at defending the suspension of administrative action taken by the State to make effective way of enforcement of tax claims presumably in favor of it.
- Write of Execution
- Coercive economic power (though precautionary)
- Negotiations Intervention
- Auction
Trials and fiscal resources

Our attorneys can fiscalists Administrative Remedy and trials before any administrative authority and fiscal, local or federal.
- Justice Desk
- Administrative Cancellation
- Appeal of Revocation
- Judgment of Nullity
- Appeal for Review
- Recurso de Revisión
- Injunctionn
Requirements, audits, assessments, tax offenses and crimes
Attention and appeal requirements, fines and liens issued by the SAT, IMSS and INFONAVIT. Atención Audit issued by the SAT, IMSS, INFONAVIT and state and local authorities. Care of Property Tax requirements issued by the Treasurer on likely DF. Defense against the imposition of fines or determination of tax credits by the tax authorities (SHCP, IMSS, INFONAVIT, Ministry of Finance, etc.)

We offer advice to individuals and corporations in matters of federal and local taxes resulting from the development of their activities.
- ndirect Tax
- Income Tax
- Tax on assets
Business Tax Analysis
Fiscal study of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, business reorganization, bankruptcy, leasing, asset sales, project finance and compensation packages. AFISE Tax Consultants and Business, gives you excellent lawyers and tax experts the best services in tax.
Land Law

Agricultural Trials before Agrarian Courts. We take care of the trial documentation:
- Discussions on common land property limits, comunities and private properties of people and societies.
- Restitution of lands that have been taken away through a trial by particulars, common lands or communities.
- For the recognizement and declaration of common lander or propietary for the old time possession of the land.
- For the nullity in agrariant resolutions of, Programa de Certificación de Ejidos, common land planes and communals or title deed of private property that may affect your rights.
- Problems between common landers, communals, owners and little propietaries.
- Problems related with the common land rights succession.
- The observance, rescission or nullity of contracts related to the tendency of the land.
- Nullity of the first title deed deal of common landers for the lack of rifht of TANTO whicht every relative of the common lander has right.
- The conflicts related to the association contracts and use of the commond land.
- The attention to the resources of agrariant trials review to the Tribunal Superior Agrario located in México, D.F.
- The promotion of sheelter trials to the Juzgados de Distrito y Tribunales Colegiados against the sentences of the Tribunales Agrarios.
- The attention to trials related to shoring-up steps and demarcation of rustic properties to juridicaly delimit its shores.
- The exclusion of private properties related to the confirmation and titling of indian communities.
- Shelter trials against the authorities and resolutions that have deprived your land or the rights over it.